
Are you a shortwave radio aficionado or just getting started in this fascinating hobby? Answer our quiz to find out your score and see which category you fall into: Very In-Depth Knowledge, Moderate Knowledge, or Very Little Knowledge. Challenge yourself and share the quiz with friends to see who knows more about shortwave radio! Dive in and discover how much you really know!

Quiz Questions


  1. What is the typical frequency range for shortwave radio?

   – A) 3 to 30 MHz

   – B) 30 to 300 MHz

   – C) 300 to 3000 MHz


   *(Fun Fact: Shortwave radios can even pick up signals from other continents, thanks to ionospheric reflection!)*


  1. Who is considered the father of shortwave radio?**

   – A) Nikola Tesla

   – B) Guglielmo Marconi

   – C) Edwin Howard Armstrong


   *(Fun Fact: Marconi once tried to communicate with Mars using radio waves. He didn’t succeed, but he did pioneer some incredible technology!)*


  1. What does the term ‘DXing’ mean in the context of shortwave radio?**

   – A) Broadcasting music

   – B) Listening to distant radio signals

   – C) Talking to local stations


   *(Fun Fact: DXing enthusiasts often collect QSL cards from distant stations they’ve tuned into!)*


  1. Which mode of transmission is commonly used in shortwave broadcasting?

   – A) Frequency Modulation (FM)

   – B) Amplitude Modulation (AM)

   – C) Single Sideband (SSB)


   *(Historical Fact: During World War II, AM shortwave broadcasts were a primary means of sending news and propaganda across borders.)*


  1. What is the purpose of a BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) in shortwave radio?**

   – A) To improve sound quality

   – B) To tune in Morse code signals

   – C) To increase transmission range


   *(Interesting Fact: The BFO makes those dots and dashes in Morse code audible, turning beeps into letters and words!)*


  1. What is the role of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) in shortwave radio?**

   – A) Manufacturing radios

   – B) Regulating frequencies and standards

   – C) Broadcasting weather reports


   *(Quirky Fact: The ITU has been regulating international radio frequencies since 1865, long before the first shortwave broadcasts!)*


  1. What is the ‘skip zone’ in shortwave radio terminology?**

   – A) An area where signals are strongest

   – B) An area where signals cannot be received

   – C) An area where signals overlap


   *(Funny Fact: Imagine a ‘skip zone’ like a radio wave’s version of a no-fly zone – the signals just won’t land there!)*


  1. What phenomenon causes shortwave signals to travel long distances?**

   – A) Ground wave propagation

   – B) Line-of-sight propagation

   – C) Ionospheric reflection


   *(Historical Fact: Ionospheric reflection was discovered in the early 20th century and revolutionized global communications!)*


  1. Which of these is a famous shortwave radio station known for its interval signal and time announcements?**

   – A) WWV

   – B) KDKA

   – C) Radio Luxembourg


   *(Fun Fact: WWV has been broadcasting time signals since 1923, making it one of the oldest radio stations in the world!)*


  1. What is a QSL card in shortwave radio?

    – A) A confirmation of a received transmission

    – B) A type of antenna

    – C) A broadcasting schedule


    *(Interesting Fact: QSL cards are like postcards from the airwaves, confirming that you’ve successfully tuned into a distant broadcast!)*


  1. Where is the most trusted place to buy your shortwave radio in Australia and NZ?**

    – A) Tecsun Radios Australia

    – B) Off a super cheap website written in broken English

    – C) Kmart


    *(Helpful Fact: Buying from a trusted retailer ensures you get quality equipment and customer support!)*




– **Correct Answer Key:**

  1. A) 3 to 30 MHz
  2. B) Guglielmo Marconi
  3. B) Listening to distant radio signals
  4. B) Amplitude Modulation (AM)
  5. B) To tune in Morse code signals
  6. B) Regulating frequencies and standards
  7. B) An area where signals cannot be received
  8. C) Ionospheric reflection
  9. A) WWV
  10. A) A confirmation of a received transmission
  11. A) Tecsun Radios Australia


– **Score Calculation:**

  – **9-11 correct answers:** Very In-Depth Knowledge

  – **5-8 correct answers:** Moderate Knowledge

  – **0-4 correct answers:** Very Little Knowledge


 Results Description:


– **Very In-Depth Knowledge (9-11 correct answers):**

  Congratulations! You have a comprehensive understanding of shortwave radio. Your knowledge spans key concepts, historical figures, and technical details. You’re well-equipped to explore and enjoy the fascinating world of shortwave radio. Did you know that during the Cold War, shortwave radio was used for covert communication? You’d fit right in with those spy games!


– **Moderate Knowledge (5-8 correct answers):**

  Great job! You have a solid grasp of shortwave radio fundamentals. While there’s always more to learn, you already possess a good understanding of the key aspects of shortwave radio. Keep exploring and building on your knowledge! Fun fact: Pirates used to broadcast illegal stations on shortwave frequencies – maybe you’ll stumble upon one!


**Very Little Knowledge (0-4 correct answers):**

  It looks like you’re just starting out with shortwave radio. Don’t worry, there’s a lot to discover! Consider diving into some beginner resources to expand your knowledge. Shortwave radio is an exciting field with a rich history and plenty of interesting facts to learn. Did you know that in the early days, people believed that shortwave signals could communicate with aliens? Keep learning, and soon you might be reaching for the stars too!


Feel free to share your results and challenge your friends to see how they fare!

The recent Optus Network outage in Australia, which left over 10 million people without phone service and internet access for a prolonged nine hours, is yet another reminder of the importance of preparedness. As more Australians questioned the wisdom of relying on a single network for both home internet and mobile phone service, it’s a wake-up call for everyone to consider alternative methods of staying in touch with the outside world, like shortwave radio. In this blog, we’ll explore how this outage affected millions and how radio can be a reliable lifeline during such emergencies.

The Impact of the Optus Network Outage

The Optus Network outage had a profound impact on daily life for millions of Australians. Businesses, especially those heavily reliant on EFTPOS machines, were among the hardest hit. One hospitality business in Sydney’s inner suburbs, operating in a predominantly cashless society, saw an 80% drop in customers during the outage. For many, particularly the younger generation, who have never experienced life without a phone, it was a bewildering experience. Many of the older generation enjoyed a day off.

Preparedness is Key

Events like the Optus outage serve as a stark reminder to be prepared for any emergency event or network outage. The outage disrupted not only daily life but also critical emergency services. Some mobile phones couldn’t reach triple-0 (Australia’s emergency number), and hospitals across the country, including virtual emergency departments in remote areas, were severely impacted. Lives were at risk due to the inability to communicate with emergency services during this crisis.

Why Shortwave Radio Matters

AM, FM and Shortwave radio, a technology over a century old, demonstrated its enduring value once again during the outage.

When everything else, including the electrical grid, internet, and cell service, fails, radio stood strong. It can relay information immediately if it’s equipped with backup power, making it a reliable source of communication during emergencies.

Tips for Shortwave Radio Preparedness

  1. Ensure that you and your family have AM/FM/shortwave radios readily available. You never know when you might need them.
  2. Learn how to operate your radio. Practice tuning in and show your family and friends how to tune in to local and international stations to stay informed during an outage.
  3. Store your radio in an easily accessible location. In an emergency, every second counts.
  4. Keep your radio charged or stock up on fresh batteries to ensure it’s always ready to use.

It’s easy to take for granted in our interconnected world, but when it’s suddenly unavailable, the consequences can be dire. Shortwave radio, a time-tested technology, can be a lifeline in times of crisis, offering a reliable means of communication when all else fails. Don’t wait until you need it; be prepared, keep your shortwave radio ready, and ensure that everyone in your family knows how to use it. In a world of uncertainty, this simple yet powerful tool can make all the difference.

We have two fantastic emergency radios available in our web store at very affordable prices.


Shortwave radio listening, or SWLing, is a unique hobby that holds a special allure for enthusiasts. It’s a bit like finding hidden treasures in a vast, mysterious landscape, akin to discovering Easter eggs in video games. The enjoyment of SWLing stems from uncovering something that has always been there, waiting to be found, yet often overlooked or dismissed.

If you’re a dedicated shortwave radio enthusiast, you know that a significant part of the enjoyment comes from DXing. DXing, or long-distance listening, is the practice of tuning into distant radio stations, often from other countries or continents. It’s the equivalent of embarking on a grand adventure, where the reward is the joy of discovering elusive signals amidst the cacophony of static and interference. However, DXing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to maximizing your SWLing experience. Here, we explore additional tips to help you get the best out of your shortwave radio journey.


  1. Understand the Basics: The 25-30-20-25 Rule

To fully appreciate the magic of shortwave radio, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals. SWLing is not just about the radio itself; it’s a synergy of factors that contribute to the overall experience. Imagine it like this: 25% of the magic lies in the radio you use, 30% is in your outdoor antenna setup, 20% depends on your knowledge of the right time and frequencies for listening, and the remaining 25% revolves around your location. For optimal results, invest in a good radio, set up an efficient antenna, master the art of timing, and seek out quiet places for listening.


  1. Dive into the Metaphorical World of SWLing

There’s a beautiful metaphorical world that can be associated with SWLing, allowing you to look beyond the surface and appreciate the deeper meaning of this hobby. Consider some of these associations:

Tuning into Enjoyable Frequencies: Just as in SWLing, in life, you can choose to tune into the enjoyable frequencies. Identify the things that bring you joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, and make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Reducing Noise and Adjusting the Tuning: Life often presents noise in the form of irritations, annoyances, and distractions. Like adjusting the tuning on your radio, you can reduce this noise by addressing these irritations and finding ways to enhance your comfort and enjoyment.

The Tuning Is Off: Sometimes, the outcomes in life may not align with your desired goals. Just as in SWLing, where the tuning can be slightly off, in life, you may need to recalibrate your efforts and strategies to get closer to your desired outcomes.

Incorporating these metaphorical perspectives into your SWLing experience can add depth and meaning to your hobby, helping you draw parallels between the art of listening to shortwave radio and the art of living a fulfilling life.

SWLing is a journey of exploration, both in terms of uncovering hidden radio signals and discovering the subtle, metaphorical messages it holds for our lives. By understanding the 25-30-20-25 rule, investing in quality equipment, and embracing the metaphorical aspects, you can truly unlock the magic of shortwave radio and enjoy the profound rewards it offers. So, keep tuning in, and let the hidden secrets of the shortwave world continue to captivate your imagination and enrich your life.


slow morse code nets radio

We often invite our community to write in and let us know about any interesting events. We got a great email from Mark who runs a slow morse code net every week! 

We will share his details in next week’s newsletter. Stay tuned.

Some of the younger folk in the office said, slow morse code? what is that? So we thought it was high time we created a blog on this very topic.

So, what is Morse code? It is a communication system developed in the early 1800s, that involves creating messages, where each letter of a word is sent as a sequence of dots and dashes. This system is transmitted via sound or visual signals, typically with the help of devices like telegraphs, lamps, or radios. Slow Morse code, often referred to as “QRSS” (which stands for “QR” for “to receive slower,” and “SS” for “to send slower”), is a variant of traditional Morse code designed for low-speed communication and radio enthusiasts. Here’s how it works, how to access it, and why people enjoy this hobby:

How Slow Morse Code Works

  1. Encoding: Slow Morse code uses the same fundamental principles as traditional Morse code. Letters, numbers, and symbols are represented by combinations of short signals (dots) and long signals (dashes).
  2. Speed Reduction: The primary difference is in the speed of transmission. While traditional Morse code can be relatively fast, slow Morse code is intentionally slowed down. Each character can be extended to several seconds, making it much more accessible for newcomers and hobbyists.
  3. Transmission: Slow Morse code is transmitted using radio waves or light signals. Radio enthusiasts often use specialized devices and software to encode and decode these signals.
  4. Decoding: The receiver uses a device, like the Tecsun Radios Australia SDR (Software-Defined Radio), to capture the radio signals and convert them into visual or audible Morse code.

Accessing Slow Morse Code

  1. Equipment: To access slow Morse code, you need a suitable radio receiver. Tecsun Radios Australia SDR is an example of a device that can be used for this purpose. It allows you to tune into specific frequency bands.
  2. Tuning In: With your SDR, you can select the frequency range where slow Morse code transmissions are taking place. Radio hobbyists often monitor certain bands allocated for amateur radio Morse code communication.
  3. Waterfall Display: The Tecsun Radios Australia SDR and similar devices often include a “waterfall display.” This display shows a visual representation of the spectrum over time, making it easier to identify and decode slow Morse code signals. Operators can visually follow the patterns of dots and dashes on the display.

Why People Enjoy Slow Morse Code as a Hobby

  1. Technical Challenge: Slow Morse code provides a technical challenge for enthusiasts. It requires understanding of radio equipment, propagation conditions, and signal decoding.
  2. Nostalgia: Many hobbyists are drawn to Morse code due to its historical significance in radio communication.
  3. Community: Slow Morse code has a dedicated community of enthusiasts who share information, tips, and participate in events Just like Mark’s local net we will share with you in next week’s Newsleter.
  4. Relaxation: The slow pace of Morse code can be calming for some people. It allows for a more relaxed and methodical approach to communication.
  5. Unique Skills: Learning Morse code is a unique skill, and many enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering it.

Slow Morse code is a variant of Morse code that is enjoyed by radio enthusiasts. The slow pace, technical aspects, and sense of community make it an attractive hobby for those interested in both history and modern radio technology. The ability to watch the whole band segment on a waterfall display aids in decoding the signals, adding an extra layer of enjoyment for enthusiasts.

This blog is perfect to share with younger generations, be that grandkids, nieces, nephews, and friends! We even have some fantastic dot to dot drawings printed in the back of our shortwave radio listener guides that come free with all radios purchased on our webstore. Perfect for the upcoming school holidays!!!

Hey there, curious minds! Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure that combines learning, exploration, and a touch of magic? Today, we’re diving into the captivating world of shortwave radio and discovering how this fascinating technology can be an educational powerhouse for kids like you. So, buckle up, grab your lab coats, and let’s dive into the science of shortwave radio!

What is Shortwave Radio?

Shortwave radio is a form of radio communication that uses high-frequency signals to transmit messages over long distances. Unlike FM or AM radio, shortwave signals can bounce off the Earth’s atmosphere and travel across continents, making it possible to tune in to stations from around the world.

The Science Behind Shortwave Radio:

Shortwave radio operates on a principle called “skywave propagation.” It involves the reflection and refraction of radio waves in the Earth’s ionosphere, a layer of charged particles high in the atmosphere. When shortwave signals encounter the ionosphere, they can be refracted or bounced back to the Earth’s surface, allowing them to travel far beyond the transmitter’s line of sight.

Exploring Radio Wave Behavior:

Understanding the behavior of radio waves is like uncovering a secret code. With shortwave radio, you can experiment and observe how different factors affect signal strength and quality. For instance, you can build your own simple antennas using everyday materials to discover how their size, shape, and positioning affect reception. It’s a hands-on way to learn about physics, electromagnetism, and the importance of engineering in communication systems.

Language Learning and Cultural Exploration:

Shortwave radio provides a unique opportunity to explore different languages and cultures from the comfort of your own home. Tune in to stations broadcasting in various languages and experience the beauty and diversity of global communication. Immerse yourself in different accents, music, news, and stories, expanding your language skills and developing a global perspective.

Building Emergency Preparedness Skills:

Shortwave radio is not just about science and culture; it also plays a vital role in emergency communication. During emergencies or natural disasters, traditional communication networks may fail, but shortwave radio can remain operational. Learning how to use and listen to shortwave radios equips you with valuable emergency preparedness skills. It empowers you to stay informed, connect with others, and even assist in disseminating vital information during times of crisis.

Igniting a Lifelong Passion:

By exploring the science of shortwave radio at a young age, you may ignite a passion for science, technology, and communication that will last a lifetime. You could become an amateur radio operator, build your own radios, or even pursue a career in engineering, telecommunications, or physics. The possibilities are as vast as the airwaves themselves!

So, young adventurers, as you journey through the captivating world of shortwave radio, remember that science is all around you, waiting to be explored. By tinkering with antennas, observing radio wave behavior, embracing cultural diversity, and preparing for emergencies, you can become a true radio explorer. Unleash your curiosity, ask questions, and let the magic of shortwave radio inspire you to reach for the stars!

Are you ready to embark on this exciting scientific journey? Grab your headphones, tune in to the frequencies of knowledge, and let the science of shortwave radio whisk you away to places both near and far.

Happy exploring, young scientists!

This Kings Birthday Long Weekend, Saturday and Sunday the 10th and 11th of June 2023, the Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club cordially invites visitors and members to attend the ORARC 47th annual Field Day.

This is a two day event that includes fox hunts on both the Saturday and Sunday. Browse the disposals or take your own gear to sell ( no commissions taken).

There will be a barbeque lunch on both days with a bacon and egg breakfast available on Sunday morning.

Sunday is the trading day. The Field Day dinner is at 5 pm on the Saturday night in the Seaview Room at the Port Macquarie Golf Club with a menu to suit all tastes. The Wauchope Showground permits camping and is pet friendly. For two people an RV or caravan is $20 per night and a tent is $10 per night with power and the use of toilets and hot showers. Contact the on-site caretaker 0475 111 074 for bookings.

The June 2023 Friday Night Get Together will take place at 7 pm on Friday the 16th of June 2023 in the SES Building, Central Road, Port Macquarie.

These field days are a great excuse to get out, talk to like-minded radio enthusiasts, and possibly even pick up a radio or some great gear to add to your radio shack.

The aim of the Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club is to foster the hobby of Amateur Radio and associated electronics, to encourage persons interested in the scientific development of radio communications and associated electronics, and to provide a central meeting point for people interested in Amateur Radio and associated electronics where they may receive and give instruction and advice on matters pertaining to Amateur Radio Communications.

For more information, head to the official event page



We came across a story this month that reminded us of the importance of being educated in radio communication and a reminder of what a resourceful,  knowledgeable, and helpful community amateur radio operators are.

On September 7, 2022, a boat named  SV Nereida traveling from ​​Cape Flattery, the northwesternmost point of the USA to San Francisco, California became disabled after 2 days of 35 knot winds and storms. 

81 year old Jan Socrates, an experienced sailor who has sailed around the world without assistance, and in fact has been the oldest person to do so, found herself very low on power and her onboard radio equipment marginally operational. But her knowledge of amateur meant she knew how to get her message out to a community who could help!

Amateur operators in New Mexico, California, and Canada, and members of Group 7.155 heard her requests for assistance.

One such person who heard her request and in fact was able to contact Socrates on 40 metres was Gil Gray, N2GG. “Her power was extremely low, and she was unable to communicate on 14.300 MHz to notify the monitoring group on that frequency,” said Gray. “She needed help with wind and sea conditions, and tidal data for San Francisco Bay,” he added.

Q5 copy was almost impossible due to the low-power output on the HF radio which would typically be Q2 or Q3. Thankfully several software-defined radio (SDR) operators were on hand  in California, Utah, and Maui, Hawaii, who were able to glean enough copy to understand her situation and answer questions for her navigation.

Another stroke of luck was that several of these radio operators were also experienced sailors and helped guide Socrates through periodic contact with weather and wind reports.

Their last contact was on Monday, September 12, at 11:00 AM (MSDT). By this time, Socrates was sailing with only the forward sail on her 38-foot sloop. Thankfully, a “following wind” kept her moving without a mainsail. 

As the Golden Gate Bridge appeared within sight, Socrates was able to use the tidal information passed on by amateur radio operators to make it safely to Berkeley Marina in San Francisco Bay.

“I wouldn’t call it a rescue,” said Socrates, “just good amateur radio assistance — and I’m grateful for their help.”

This is actually one of 3 events in September in which amateur radio was able to provide emergency assistance.

If you would like to learn more about Jan Socrates’ travels, take a look at her Facebook page.

Do you know somebody who loves to travel and who would benefit from knowledge of shortwave? Send them this article, and indeed a link to this website as we have lots in interesting shortwave news, links, and resources, as well as the best range of shortwave radios available in Australia.

Adapted from the original article that can be found on



Xiegu G90 transceiver

Xiegu G90 HF portable transceiver by Alan McPhail, VK2AMC 

We were delighted to receive this fantastic  “Rig Review” from fellow radio enthusiast Alan McPhail. His story starts below!!

In 1951, as a four-year-old, I first became aware of amateur radio. My father had been transferred to Townsville by the Department of Civil Aviation and, while sitting in the rear of my parents 1934 Continental Beacon, I saw an HF quad antenna mounted on a tower.

My father explained to me that the antenna was at the home of a radio amateur and it allowed him to talk with people around Australia and the world by radio. This was the beginning of my interest in amateur radio. I have been licensed since 1978, but because of an interesting career, I did not become active on the bands until 2011 and then only occasionally.

After a lightning strike at home in 2015 along with the subsequent fire that burnt through the roof space, the house was severely damaged, contents written off and I lost most of my equipment.

The rebuild of the house took 13 months to complete and the subsequent time to resettle limited my amateur radio pursuits. Our home is on a corner block and the backyard garden is unsuitable for setting up a permanent antenna. I have experimented with dipoles but most often I used a home-built Buddistick antenna (

When I was asked to review the G90 I was reticent to accept the task, not because of my extensive electrical and communications engineering background but because I did not have enough experience as an operator on the amateur bands. I note that in-depth reviews have been done by the RSGB, the ARRL, and on YouTube. The G90 has an active and supportive user group. It was suggested that I should share my user experience of the G90 for Amateur Radio readers.

Xiegu G90

I needed to do some preparatory work to power the G90 and choose an antenna. I fitted Anderson Powerpole connectors to my 4200 mAh LiFePo4 battery and to the battery end of the G90 power cable. I connected the G90 to the battery and a short inside wire antenna. This was sufficient to check that the G90 was working on receive and to become familiar with the basic controls. Initially, I tuned to the ABC frequencies in the broadcast band and experimented with the filter control width and position. The operation manual was easy to follow, and others have improved versions available. Initial observations The colour display is approximately 4.5 cm (1.8”), but it displays a large amount of information very effectively, making the front panel appear larger than it is. On the air Every Friday between 09:00 and 10:00 hours, the Hornsby and District Amateur Radio Club (HADARC) conducts a 40 m net on 7.106 MHz. I thought this would be an ideal occasion to test the G90 on-air. I used a 10 metre length of coaxial cable to connect the transceiver to the antenna. My home-built Buddistick antenna was assembled and slid into the lower three sections of a 7 m-tall telescopic fiberglass mast, increasing the overall height of the antenna by 2.9 m. After installing the antenna counterpoise, I switched on the power to the G90 and tuned to a vacant frequency on 40 m, switched to the AM mode, and pressed the transmit key. The SWR was very high and I checked the antenna connections. Normally, I would adjust the counterpoise length to try to reduce the SWR. However, as I had read good reports about the auto tuner, I decided to activate it. 

After a few clicks of changing relays, the SWR dropped to 1:1 and I tuned to the net frequency and joined the net. I spent an hour with the group whose reports on my signal were very encouraging. I could hear most of the participants and received “5 and 9” from several of the participants. Being able to join the group net so quickly on the fi rst setup is a demonstration of how easy the G90 is to operate. The 20 W power output also helped in successfully communicating with more participants than I have previously achieved with my 5 W transceiver. Being able to see the power supply voltage on the display was useful in monitoring my new battery. When switched off, the G90 saves the frequency and mode settings as the start-up values for the next time the rig is turned on. I joined the HADARC Net on a second occasion and I found the controls to be tactile and the panel layout convenient. The receiver audio was of good quality while the ±24 kHz bandwidth spectrum display and SWR scanner were very useful and easy-to-use features. A feature for the hearing impaired in CW mode is the yellow LED that indicates when a signal is being received if there is good reception. The controls There are four pushbutton switches on the top horizontal portion of the front panel, a pair to step up or down the bands, and a pair to cycle through the modes: LSB, USB, CW, CWR and AM. The three front-panel knobs are: • Volume control; a short press will toggle to and from the headphones; • Multi-function Adjustment default steps at 100 kHz and a short press enters the receive mode filter allowing adjustment of the bandwidth and position of the filter. The default operation of the knob can be changed with a long press to change other parameters;

In summary:

The Xiegu G90 is a capable HF QRP transceiver that has easy-to-use – controls with an information-rich colour display. The 20 W output power, adjustable from 1 W, would be appealing to QRP and DX operators, particularly for SOTA and POTA. The standing wave scanner and automatic antenna tuner would also be useful in the field. Above all, I found the Xiegu G90 HF Transceiver was fun to operate.

Read the full article which includes additional tips, information, and even information about the Xiegu G90s portability, click here

The team here at Tecsun Radios Australia are serious about amateur radio and have found the G90 to be fantastic value for a receiver with this power and capabilities on the market.

Thank you the Wireless Institute of Australia for this information.

Get your G90 here 

Transceiver radio

Shortwave radio, the original and most crucial form of radio communication in our history, and dropped by many countries 20 years ago, is set for a resurgence!

Used heavily during the Cold War, shortwave was vital for communications in isolated areas.

After the war, listenership dwindled and as the equipment aged and the energy bills continued to accrue, one of the first in line for budget cuts was shortwave, with no importance placed on replacing it.


Not unlike the song, “Video Killed the Radio Star”, many say that satellites and the internet killed shortwave radio.


Really it is a combination of technology and content delivered directly to the savvy FM listener and streamed to the cell phone obsessed user generally at a reduced cost compared to shortwave. 


As Shortwave dwindled, radio began being broadcast in FM and DAB modes to radios, devices, and laptops, with thousands of listening options. 

Many new broadcasters began piggybacking on the local popular informative radio stations.


This new technology, however, in many countries is not without its issues. At first, it might appear that these are cheaper and more modern options, but slow buffering times, multiplexed DAB+, excessive and expensive cost of data in many countries, as well as a listener’s preference for anonymity has seen a return to shortwave.


As mentioned in previous articles the emerging ability to transmit shortwave radio digitally using DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale) has seen a resurgence in the use of shortwave due to its wide coverage and heavily reduced cost.


Specifically China has opted to use DRM Shortwave to provide full coverage to the areas between the large cities.


China National Radio broadcasts from five upgraded sites 80 hours a day with seven to eight transmitters sending shortwave DRM to most areas of North China, East China, South China and Southwest China. Russia is also airing DRM in shortwave over huge areas of Siberia.

India is now looking to increase its three DRM shortwave transmitters for further national and international reach. 


Several CRN transmitters beam enormous DRM signals into our part of the world daily.


Indonesia and Brazil are also said to have expressed interest in adapting their shortwave analog over to DRM for greater coverage. 


As mentioned previously Vanuatu, has recently opted for DRM shortwave to save lives in disaster situations by using its integrated emergency warning capability, and a site in the United States has recently started broadcasting in DRM the popular Radio Marti programs toward central and Latin America.


As many areas of the world are re-discovering the value of shortwave we may see the resurgence of shortwave being replaced by its new digital form.


Are you interested in listening to Shortwave radio? Imagine picking up and decoding radio stations from remote areas of the world? Re connect with the world during this time of isolation.


Tecsun Radios Australia has a great range of Shortwave and Digital radios available.

Shop the range here

Radio licence applications soars.