RNZ shirtwave

In recent and welcome news, RNZ (Radio New Zealand) shortwave radio broadcasts have resumed from the hours of 5am to 9am ( NZ time) to the ​​Pacific region. A service that ceased back in 2016.

As a result of this decision, listeners in the remote areas of the Pacific will now have 24-hour access to these broadcasts instead of it turning off early in the morning every day. 

We have previously reported just how important these broadcasts are for many remote communities who regularly endure unexpected weather patterns and can lose contact with the mainland and emergency services. Emergencies don’t stop between the hours of 5am and 9am, therefore access to emergency broadcasts shouldn’t either.

We applaud the decision by the NZ Government to contribute extra funding for shortwave services. We hope the Australian Government is taking notes!

One of the most widely listened to broadcasts is the RNZ Pacific’s flagship daily current affairs programme Pacific Waves which is also broadcast by the BBC Pacific Service.

So, what will be broadcast ? At various times RNZ will run 3 different frequencies, at 5am NZT tune in on 7425 kilohertz, at 6am NZT listen on 9700 kilohertz, and at 8am NZT change the dial to 11725 kilohertz

This information and image is courtesy of the RNZ website.

For the full schedule of shortwave frequencies check out the RNZ Pacific website.

As we continue on from our letter to Dad, the next point our author makes is that “radio answers our desire to travel” It in fact safely satisfies the desire to explore, learn about new places and speak with new people, but this time from the comfort of your own home, and watchful eyes of parents!

Amateur radio furnishes a safe outlet for this desire; flinging messages across thousands of miles of spaces, chatting with fellow amateurs in the far corners of the earth, sending the spoken word into faraway homes, exploring the mysteries of the ultra-short waves, all of these things spell thrilling adventure to the youth of today. Why that is the factor that makes the hobby so fascinating to the boys from seven to seventy. They are given a chance to do things which they never did before; they are permitted to talk to people whom they will never see. Amateur radio has given them a key to a “magic world” of modern science, and they revel in their esoteric delights.

 Further stating that it will give him his desire to work and earn money and stay focused on broadening his world while not leaving home.

His next point is that Amateur Radio is an Urge to Greater Scholastic Endeavours.

This is in response to the fathers concerns that this hobby is a distraction from his school and study. Our author explains that radio is actually a science that requires a high level of mathematics that goes beyond simple multiplication and subtraction.

 “Jack will soon find himself up against formulae that will require a more than superficial acquaintance with the higher branches of mathematics. A knowledge of physics is nearly indispensable for the radio amateur. Light and sound are so closely related to electricity that a knowledge of the principles of all three should be in the mental quiver of the conscientious amateur. Chemistry, too, will prove to be a basic science for this new hobby. You have only to point out these facts to Jack and you will find him viewing these subjects with an entirely new interest. Encourage him to approach his hobby from a scientific angle. Make him desire to know the why as soon as he has learned the how. Let him learn the thrill of being able to forecast exactly how his apparatus will function even before he assembles the parts.”

Further to this point, the author emphasises that while the world is being opened up to young Jack through radio, he will in turn become more interested in news and events of the world, broadening his desire to learn and be more worldly. So in fact this hobby will not make him an introvert who shys away from study, chances are it will be the exact opposite.

The next point is quite amusing and titled No Danger of Son Becoming Radio “Nut”

This point is in response to Jack’s dad saying he wants Jack to stop this hobby before he becomes a “radio nut”

Our author starts by saying, I know what you mean, I have seen that individual, and I know what a bore he is. He then reassures him that based on his knowledge of the boy, the boy’s passion for outdoor sports, his talents in athletics, and the fact that Jack and his dad regularly go on fishing and hunting trips shows that the boy has a well balanced life and interests. In addition, the boy has a fantastic group of friends and an active social scene. He asks Jack’s dad, with all these extracurricular activities, do you fear Jack is unbalanced? If anything, simply because he is so active the hobby will be a good grounding factor. His opinion is that “the hobby will really balance up his life. At the present time, there is too strong an accent on the lazy, careless seeking entertainment. Nothing the boy does builds toward a definite achievement by which he can measure his progress. This new hobby will inject a note of serious study and painstaking construction into his present butterfly existence. His completed station will be something that he can show to his friends with that pleasant glow of pride which arises from a knowledge of work well done.

Now there are only two points left that our ham operator wants to tell Jack’s dad.

This next one is a warning, that if you discourage the boy away from radio, you may be discouraging him away from science.

He titles it Dangers of Discouraging a Boy’s Scientific Interest

He warns that he himself would not like to be the person that is responsible for discouraging the boy away from science. He wonders, where might this interest take him in the world and mentions Edison’s interest in chemistry, Ford’s interest in machinery, and Marconi’s interest in radio,

which were all, at one time, hobbies.

Perhaps this boyish liking for radio may be a signpost of the lad’s destiny. At least, it betokens a mental alertness, a healthy desire for knowledge on the part of Jack that I should welcome with the greatest happiness if I were his father. Give me a boy who asks questions, who experiments, and who takes a keen interest in his hobby. That boy has the foundation for a successful life. He is awake, and his brain “absorbs knowledge as a sponge does water”! I know some boys who go through life with a dull apathetic attitude that is entirely devoid of enthusiasm. Nothing stirs them; nothing arouses their interest. They have only scorn for others who become excited over a hobby. Would you prefer that Jack be one of those fellows ?”


Our letter finishes with a single worded heading that says Resume.

 He tells the dad that from his observations of Jack that this hobby will only have a positive influence on his life and skills. He mentions that this letter comes from a place of compassion and honesty. That his son has picked up a hobby that will grow with him from a young man to an old man, forever learning, experimenting and feeling that sense of achievement and connection.

 In his opinion, you couldn’t ask for a better hobby to have throughout life.


From a simple knowledge of fundamental principles, the amateur can climb upward until he has mastered the intricacies of technical theory. From there, he can set forth, intrepidly into the unexplored reaches of its various fields. Radio is new enough that it holds forth unparalleled opportunities for the radio experimenter.

Ultra-short waves, television, power transmission, and pathological application are but a few of the many fields that beckon the experimenter

The letter ends with…… There you are! My argument is complete! The decision is now in your hands. Will you permit that boy of yours to go ahead with his hobby?

 This article does not mention what happens next. We will undertake some research to see if there is a follow up article, but truthfully… How could a dad say no to these arguments?




In the spirit of upcoming Fathers Day we would like to share some excerpts from an

 article published in the April 1935 edition of  Popular Electronics magazine entitled, 

“Why Your Son Should Learn Radio”.

shortwave radio craft magazine

The author John T. Frye (W9EGV) explains how this skill and the use of critical thinking and hand-eye coordination will help keep a young person occupied and off the streets and indeed out of pool halls! 

Interestingly, the article is written by a ham operator, who has been mentoring Jack, a schoolboy. The young boy’s father does not understand this sudden indoor isolated hobby and indeed has an aversion to the activity, but the author explains just how useful it is for the boy to be engaged in amateur radio..

 His first point centered around the fact that it is not too costly. Back then in 1935 the author says “In the first place, let us take the matter of cost. You say that it will cost too much. Do you know that my first radio station, including both transmitter and receiver, was built for less than five dollars? Yet, with that little station, I consistently talked with other amateurs a thousand miles away! Surely, you do not consider five dollars an exorbitant price to pay for a year’s entertainment and instruction.”


He mentions seeing two boys walk into the drugstore, one picks up a shortwave ham mag and flick through it whilst the other looks around carefully and then stuffs a less savoury magazine up his shirt.


 He ads “ If amateur radio can give Jack something to keep his mind occupied, it will do him a service of incalculable value.”

shortwave craft magazine

His next point with bolded letters is “Ham Radio Keeps a boy at home”

He starts by reminding the intended reader (Jacks dad) that when your boy is home he is under your influence and watchful eye. Whereas you dont know what might influence Jack without supervision. In his words:There are too many boys who regard the family home as merely a sort of refuelling and rest station!. Where kids come home to eat, have a rest and go out again. Instead such a hobby will keep your son home.


The fact that evenings are the best times for radio operations is most advantageous that your boy is at home with this hobby most evenings, rather than out after dark frequenting pool halls and hanging around on the streets!


His next bold heading is Teaches Responsibility. 

“Amateur radio is a good teacher” The amateur must be licensed by the Federal Government, and therefore needs to observe and abide by rules laid out by these regulators of radio. 


In addition “traffic handling” is a great lesson in itself, as it requires the radio amateur to keep schedules and pass messages requiring punctuality, precision and accuracy.


He follows by saying: ‘One of the first things that Jack will learn is that he must use his head and his hands if he is going to do anything in the amateur radio game. Of the fifty thousand amateurs in the United States, no two of them are confronted with exactly the same problems. Radio, (as does any modern science), demands the ability to reason clearly and logically. The building of a receiver, the ironing out of the “bugs” in a transmitter, and the erection of a good antenna are literally “hotbeds” of problems in radio theory. These problems must be met and conquered by a combination of theoretical knowledge and clean, sharp reasoning!

Once the problems of theory are solved, the amateur is confronted by new problems of actual construction. He knows that his station will have to undergo the most exacting scrutiny at the hands of fellow amateurs, and he wishes to make it as neat, as convenient, and as efficient as it lies in his power to make it. In other words, his skill as a workman is “challenged”, and I could take you on a tour of amateur stations that would convince you how marvelously some amateurs meet this challenge!”


There are several more points in this article, the next is the boldly headlined Short-Wave Radio Creates “Objective!”

 Amateur Radio provides a challenge, a concrete objective to work towards. There is nothing more beneficial than working towards and achieving a goal.  He followed this by explaining: “it teaches him to expend the fruits of his labours wisely and carefully. I know a particular case of a boy who refused to work at any of the tasks that are usually conditional to supplying a boy with “pocket money.” Distributing newspapers, running errands, selling magazines, and all other suggestions left him unenthusiastic.

Then he became interested in “radio”! At once, his character underwent a marvelous change. He threw off his lethargy and became one of the most “industrious” boys in the town.”

So indeed a keen interest and a goal will keep a child’s brain focussed and active!

The article continues with several more points we will reveal in Part 2 next week of our Fathers Day articles, one of our favourite lines from next week is “no danger of your son becoming a radio nut”! This point talks about radio nuts and how this boy in question “Jack” need not worry about becoming a nut.

Tune in to our blog next week for the follow up to this article. In the meantime, can you think of a person who could benefit from learning the art of amateur radio? It could be a family member young or old or perhaps one of the kids in your area. 

Kids these days have a lot on their plate and more than ever face distractions from video games and social media. Radio could in fact be the perfect solution!


remembrance day radio contest

 This event is held to commemorate the Amateurs who died during World War II.

This year, the event will be held on the weekend of August 13 and 14, 0300 UTC Saturday to 0300 UTC Sunday.

The Aim of the contest: Amateurs try to contact amateurs in VK call areas, ZL and P2 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE, CW and RTTY, modes that were used during WW2. 

The prize for this contest is a perpetual trophy awarded to the state or territory with the best performance.

This is also a great opportunity for shortwave listeners to test their antennas, receivers and reception techniques over the weekend.

Contest Rules

As a mark of respect, stations are asked to observe 15 minutes silence prior to the start of the contest, during which the opening ceremony will be broadcast.


Single Operator

Single Operator – QRP

Multi-Operator – Single Transmitter (Multi-Single)

Multi-Operator – Unlimited (Multi-Multi)

Sub-Category Modes for Single Operators

Phone (AM, FM & SSB)



Permitted Bands

Contacts may be made on MF (160M), HF and VHF & above bands except for WARC bands (10, 18 & 24 MHz) which are excluded by IARU agreement from all contest operations.

HF SSB Voice transmissions should be within:

1843-1875, 3535-3570 and 3600-3700, 7080-7300, 14112-14300, 21150-21450, 28300-29100KHz,

otherwise, disqualification or points reduction may result.

For additional contest rules, how to enter please click here. 

Operators using Ex WW2 equipment will be awarded with a special certificate acknowledging their participation and use of such.


lighthouse radio competition

Have you heard of the International Lighthouse weekend? This is an annual event held by International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) where radio operators connect with each other from all around the globe on this one weekend in August. But the difference, they are all operating from different lighthouses around the world!!


This year it falls on August 20-21. This will be the 25th anniversary of the event. Because it is not a contest, amateurs may operate on any authorised frequency and mode permitted by their licence. 

We came across an interesting article containing suggestions of the origins of this event.

This idea originated after a cold winter in 1992-1993  after two avid amateur operators wanted to encourage operators to get out in the summer and “play radio” . Originally some ideas like historic Scottish castles, however, they decided that the lighthouses of Scotland would be ideal!! The event was not to be a contest but simply “fun” time for the whole family. Take your family to the beach for a picnic and use your radio as an added bonus that day/ weekend. 

It would appear that two lighthouse events were held for many years until eventually, the ‘The Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society assumed sponsorship and management of the ILLW event.

Want to listen in on the event? Most operation will take place on the HF bands, so this is an opportunity to listen on your Tecsun shortwave receiver. Normal operating conventions apply, so frequencies below 10MHz utilise LSB and frequencies above 10MHz use USB (upper sideband).

the lighthouse radio event

The Tecsun PL-365, Pl-368, PL-880, PL-990x, and H-501x can all be used for this event and we recommend our Outdoors MW/SW antenna also!!

Click this link to see a list of light houses in Australia for interested operators and listeners!!


Please note, this is by no means the complete list but will give listeners an idea if the lighthouse closest to them will be operational. 


shortwave numbers stations

Have you heard of Numbers Stations or ghost frequencies? 

Here are the main distinguishable aspects of a ghost frequency.

The source of these broadcasts is unknown. Their purpose is unknown.

They are all shortwave radio, the source of which can be hard to track.

Many people speculate they are old war time frequencies that have been running for years, however those who have studied these broadcasts and who record the sounds say (UVB76  in particular) never appears to loop and that it is a deliberate transmission..

When you listen to them, they are eerie….

The most famous one is called UVB76 nicknamed The Buzzer because it will play a monotone sound all day long, then occasionally play what sounds like morse code, a series of beeps. Then out of nowhere an old Russian military tune followed by a list of random words, (possibly code) will appear. It’s been playing for over 3 decades.

A recent theory is that the buzzer is actually an official coded military broadcast for military units within Russia and is used to convey tasks and instructions.

number stations call signs

This theory is supported by the fact that listeners have narrowed the broadcast location down to somewhere in Russia. Russia being the huge size that it is means the mystery remains but there are a few interesting theories around the shortwave community and YouTube, here are a couple of those theories

They are broadcasts created pre wartime transmitted to Aliens or other beings in the galaxy!


They were used in covert espionage! 

If you want to get your message out to a large number of people you would broadcast on AM with a message people can understand. Remembering that these broadcasts originated prior to telephones, If you didn’t want everyone to hear your message, (perhaps it was only for one person), you might use a numbers station to transmit to one country at a pre-organised time, using a predetermined code.


There are some even crazier theories online, like people during wartime being hypnotised and these broadcasts contained random trigger words to trigger people into action.

Either way, it is an intriguing mystery! Why were they started and why do they continue to broadcast and are they still being used to this day?

Want to find UVB76? For many, there is a constant beeping, buzzing, or morse code sound and randomly it will stop for words, music, or speaking then resume its beeping again so you need to be lucky to catch it between long periods of beeping! 


Why don’t you try and locate some numbers stations yourself and let us know what you found.

Alternatively, jump on YouTube and you may find some people streaming their experiences whilst tuning in to these stations.



what is pirate radio

Pirate radio is the name for somebody who broadcasts over the airwaves without a valid license, But it gets deeper than that.

There are several factors that would classify a broadcaster as a “Pirate”.

Besides not having a valid transmit licence, actions like failure to transmit a station identification or exceed the transmit power ( wattage) limit of the station, even if it is simply an amateur radio transmission can be deemed “pirate”.

 More sinister factors like transmitting illegal content or politically motivated information can also be considered pirates.

Interestingly, many of these transmissions contain content that is legal in the country of origin, however trouble can occur, when the information transmitted is illegal in the region or country where it is received.

Historically “pirate radio” is also known as free radio. 

This name came about during the “Summer of Love” in San Francisco during the 1960s.

These secret and unlicensed land-based transmissions of “free radio” were tagged as being pirate due to the radio transmissions being beyond government control, as was offshore radio in the UK and Europe.

Have you seen these movies that feature shortwave? 

Pirate radio movies

Pirate radios have featured in a few movies and TV shows over the years including

On The Air Live With Captain Midnight, filmed in 1979, which tells the story of Captain Midnight, who runs his own pirate radio station and becomes a cult hit! 

Jump ahead to the 1990s film “Pump Up The Volume” with Christian Slater. Mark is an intelligent but shy teenager who has just moved to Arizona from the East Coast. His parents give him a short-wave radio so he can talk to his pals, but instead he sets up shop as pirate deejay Hard Harry, who becomes a hero to his peers while inspiring the wrath of the local high school principal. When one of Harry’s listeners commits suicide, inspired chaos breaks out at the school and the authorities are called in to put a stop to Harry’s broadcasts (info from IMBD)

More recently pirate radio is seen in the 2009 film, “The Boat that Rocked”  a 2009 British comedy film written and directed by Richard Curtis about pirate radio in the United Kingdom during the 1960s.The story is loosely based on the famous pirate radio broadcaster, “Radio Caroline”. The station operated in international waters off the coast of the UK, broadcasting pop music the BBC would not include in their programming..

There are still many pirate radio stations in operation today available for you to listen to like Free Radio Santa Cruz (FRSC) which is an unlicensed radio station in Santa Cruz, California, United States. The station has been on the air since Spring 1995; its broadcast content is a mix of daily news, music, and cultural programs, produced both locally and nationally. Free Radio Santa Cruz exists due to donations, membership, and listeners can call in live during shows.

Recently, there have been claims that the FCC (Federal Communications Commision) that they are cracking down on pirate broadcasters and several broadcasters in NYC have been sent legal letters to cease illegal transmission or face fines up to $2M.

It may very well be an interesting time for pirate radio.

A shortwave radio story of hope

We recently became aware of a truly amazing story about the perseverance of shortwave listeners.

During World War II in Europe, many allied airmen were listed as Missing In Action. German shortwave broadcaster DJB, located in Berlin would regularly broadcast the names of airmen captured as Prisoners of War. This amazing story highlights the part that shortwave radio played in keeping hope alive for those distant relatives and the part that shortwave listeners played.

The story is told by the son of the lieutenant we are about to tell you about.

“On July 25, 1943  American Lieutenant, John Chapman Elliot who was tailgunner on a Royal Canadian Air Force Wellington bomber, took off from England to fly a mission over Nazi-held territory in Europe, this flight never returned to base and was named Missing In Action.”

Months later and after receiving no further news and fearing the worst, shortwave listeners in America began sending letters to Lt Chapman’s wife advising her that they had heard his name mentioned in a shortwave broadcast from Berlin.

“On July 30, a letter was sent to his wife. It began:

“Before receiving this letter you will have had a telegram informing you that your husband, Lieutenant John Chapman Elliott, is missing as a result of air operations. I regret to have to confirm this distressing news.

John and the air crew took off on an operational sortie over enemy territory on the evening of the 25th July and we have heard nothing of them since. However, it is decidedly possible that they are prisoners of war or are among friends who are helping them to make their way back to this country . . .

Status unknown . . . “we have heard nothing of them since.” A place that leaves you in limbo without much room for hope.

During September a number of things happen.

A telegram arrived:

Mrs. J C Elliott =

Report received through the International Red Cross states your husband First Lieutenant John C Elliott is a prisoner of war of the German Government . . .

Notation in the scrapbook above the telegram (in my Mother’s hand) reads:

The finest Telegram and the loudest words in the life of Phyllis Nancy Elliott

letters of hope shortwave WWii

Around the same time, Mrs Elliot began to receive more letters and postcards with similar reports and kind words. These letters come from a cherished scrapbook.


Quite extraordinarily these postcards hailed from shortwave listeners from all over the country including Boston, Massachusetts ; Chicago, Illinois; Northville, Michigan; Green County, New York; Grand Rapids Michigan; Auburn, Maine; Burlington, Iowa, who had heard the Berlin broadcast that–  First Lieutenant John Elliott is a prisoner of war, and offering words of comfort or explanation:

Wishing you best of luck in his safe return to you,

WW2 shortwave letter

Hoping this may comfort you in knowing that he is alive and alright,

ww2 shortwave anzac day

Hope this cheers you up.

letters of hope to war wife shortwave

Hope this will relieve your worries . . .

shortwave letters from ww2

Jock Elliot (Kb2GOM) recounts his father’s story:

“My Dad later told me what happened. Their Wellington bomber was badly shot up, and the pilot informed the crew that it was time to bail out.

My Dad cranked his tail turret around so that the door opened into the air. He flipped backward out of the aircraft. For a little while, one of his electrically-heated flying boots caught on the door frame. Hanging upside-down, he kicked the boot off, pulled the ripcord on his parachute, and landed with green stick fractures in both legs. He hobbled around Holland for three days while trying to avoid the Germans. He was captured and spent two and one-half years as prisoner of war.”

shortwvae radio story from war

When the war ended, he was repatriated, and in 1946, your humble correspondent showed up. The photos are of actual postcards and letters in an 80-year-old scrapbook kept by my Mother and passed down to me.

And so, dear reader, never belittle your hobby of listening to the airwaves, because you never know when something you heard may be able to offer comfort in times of trouble. I know it certainly did for my Mother.”

This is the most amazing and emotional story about the perseverance of those shortwave listeners in locating Lt Chapman’s family address and taking the trouble to write to his family, doing their bit to support the war effort.

Thank you to  Jock Elliott, KB2GOM for this incredible story published on swling.com

Mayham 2022


The event will be held 1st of May, with a large portion of the event undercover.

Entry Ticket Presales Begin at 8:00 AM

General Entry Opens at 8:30 AM

Tecsun Radios Australia are proud to attend this event that features educational lectures, car boot sales, new product releases, opportunities to attain or extend or upgrade your radio licence, topics by keynote speakers include Collins T-195  transmitter restoration (100 watts output, 2-18 Mhz, 26 valves !), WINLINK HF email system, and Club Owned Remote Stations and integrating the Flex 6000 into such stations (Zoom presentation).

Tune in to the event broadcast while you find a bargain at the car boot sale.

As always, the Tecsun team will be there exhibiting our best sellers and will be available for a chat about all things shortwave. Pick up your free copy of our latest Shortwave Radio Listening Guide. Come and say hi!

One of the most exciting events as part of Mayham happens on the Saturday.


What is a Fox Hunt, you say?

                                                 Mayham 2022

Fox hunting is one of the many side quests of amateur radio. Fox Hunting or Amateur radio direction finding (ARDF) is an interactive amateur radio sport where individuals use the two meter amateur radio band whilst navigating through varying terrain and locations, searching for hidden radio transmitters. 

All competitors must carry equipment capable of receiving the signal being transmitted by multiple transmitters. You may see quite the array of specialised equipment, including a radio receiver, signal attenuator, and directional antenna. Most equipment designs integrate all three components into one handheld device.

For this year the CCARC is promising to really mix things up!! 

The details!!!

 There will be three hunts operating sequentially.

  1. Short Pedestrian of approximately 30 minutes
  2. Mobile / Pedestrian hunt of approximately 45mins – 1 hour
  3. Long Mobile hunt to last approx. 1½ hours

Participants will be required to assemble on the footpath Wyong Commuter Carpark, Located at Rose Street Wyong. This is due to current access restrictions to the site.


Proposed timeline of events: (Allow additional time for any changes and transitions between hunts)

12:45 – Pedestrian footpath, Rose Street, Wyong.

This is for initial gathering, registration, and discussion of rules

13:00 First Fox Transmitter activated on low power. Good luck!

13:45 First hunt to finish, regroup for start of the first Mobile / Pedestrian hunt.

This fox will be on High power for first 15-20 Minutes, then reverts to LOW POWER

14:45 Second hunt ends, reassemble for start of longer Mobile “hunt”

17:00 – End of Mayham Fox Hunt for 2022.


Important Information:

1st Prize winner will receive Deluxe hotspot kit and Clear acrylic case courtesy of VK Direct and VK4NGA Amateur Radio to the value of $200

2nd Prize winner will receive $100 Westfield gift card

3rd Prize winner will receive a $50 Westfield gift card.


For the full rules of the event and further information click here


There will be a great selection of food available on the day. To see the full menu click here.

General Entry Gate Opening Times


Entry via Rose Street

Pre-Sales begins at 8:00AM

Entry Gates open at 8:30AM

Cash and Eftpos Facilities available on the day




69 – 73 Howarth St,

Wyong NSW 2259

Car park entry is located in Rose Street

By Rail

Only a short walk from Wyong Railway Station

For the full details on this event including information about the lectures click here

The International Amateur Radio union (IARU) was formed on this day in 1925.

 A celebration of how amateur radio has been serving people for over 100 years.

With over 3 million radio amateurs worldwide this day is the perfect time to tune in and connect with fellow hobbyists.

Date: Monday April 18, 2022

Time : All Day

This year’s theme is “Celebrating Amateur Radio’s Contribution to Society” 

Every year on April 18, Radio Amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of Amateur Radio.

The theme of World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is celebrating Amateur Radio’s Contribution to Society which is incredibly relevant given the isolation and need for communication as we enter a 2nd year living with the global pandemic.

As we have mentioned previously the increase in interest in amateur radio during the pandemic was significant with many amateurs supporting each other by creating nets or on line meet ups.

The team at Tecsun radios Australia have been humbled to see a rise in interest and participation in shortwave radio.

We celebrate how shortwave began. Here is a brief history:

Amateur Radio experimenters were the first to discover that the short wave spectrum — far from being a wasteland — could support worldwide propagation. In the rush to use these shorter wavelengths, Amateur Radio was “in grave danger of being pushed aside,” the IARU’s history has noted. Amateur Radio pioneers met in Paris in 1925 and created the IARU to support Amateur Radio worldwide.

Just two years later, at the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today — 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio. Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs are now able to experiment and communicate in frequency bands strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From the 25 countries that formed the IARU in 1925, the IARU has grown to include 160 member-societies in three regions. IARU Region 1 includes Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Northern Asia. Region 2 covers the Americas, and Region 3 is comprised of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific island nations, and most of Asia. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Amateur Radio.

(information courtesy of Iaru.org)

Radio is a fantastic way to discover radio programs from different regions both music and news from unfiltered sources, in addition, a fantastic way to receive crucial weather, aviation, and safety broadcasts whilst out of many standard network zones.
Take some time on Amateur Radio Day to explore the world of Amateur Radio and discover what new friends and communities exist all over the world.
 We have compiled our list below of some fantastic products for World Amateur Radio Day.
Eorlf amateur radio day 2022 shortwave
  1. The TRA Self Powered Communications Speaker 
  2. The TRA HF Portable Dipole antenna 
  3.  The 76th  of the famous World Radio and Television Handbook

A fantastic radio to use on World amateur radio day is the Xiegu G90 transceiver.

To celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, with every G90 purchase we will include a free CE-19 expansion interface worth $80. Use the Expansion interface to connect your G-90 transceiver to a PC, data terminal, or modem for operation in digital modes.

Limited time offer only available until midnight Tuesday the 19th April.